Seth's Blog: Are blogs backward?
"Weblogs were designed to be like newspapers. The idea was that people would stop by and read some more every day, and that each post would build on what had come before... and that frequent readers would have no trouble keeping up.
This is great in a world with a finite number of blogs and a static community of readers.Today, though, there are two factors to keep in mind:
This is great in a world with a finite number of blogs and a static community of readers.Today, though, there are two factors to keep in mind:
1. We've now got more than 3,000,000 blogs, and every two weeks (my guess) the number of people reading blogs for the first time increases by 10 or 20%. That means that most of the people who are reading your blog are doing so for the first or second time.This leads me to two thoughts:
2. A lot of blogs are no longer about the original intent--to link to current posts on the web with small comments. Instead, corporate and personal blogs are much more focused on telling a story, a story that has a beginning and a middle, not just a current end.
a. a lot more blogs should be posted in chronological order, like books. If you're trying to chronicle something, it makes a lot of sense to start at the beginning, as long as you provide regular readers an easy way to just read the current stuff (That's what RSS is for, right?). No, this isn't right for gizmodo. But it makes a lot of sense for someone, say, chronicling her experience in a 12 step program.I know it's weird to read a chronological blog. It's worse, imho, to leave a great blog just because the last two posts don't make sense out of context.
b. we need Movable Type or someone to create a simple way to create "greatest hits" pages. Not an archive, but a simple way for a new reader to read the ten posts we want them to start with, in the order we want them read, before they dive in.
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